Sunday, April 20, 2008

YJ's Arrival in JFK

Original in Korean on Posuku's Blog
Korean to Chinese: Wonchun
Chinese to English: Lynnzhoulily

it is said that YJ was greeted by some Japanese Fans in the JFK airport who were holding cameras and waiting for him for quite a while.

YJ wore a sunglass and his hair style was a pony tail. The fans were able to see him in a very near distance.

because of his sunglass, people can not see his face clearly. But his skin is really nice.

He greeted to the fans and the fans took pictures of him.

Korean Airline (KE 081) arrived at JFK on 11:13 AM April 20, 08 (New York Time)

今天是我父母来美国的日子,所以一早我就来到了JFK机场。 我旁边的日本阿姨们都拿着相机,在机场等候。 因为有从日本直飞这里的班机,所以她们早到这里一会儿。 大韩航空到达没多久,就看到勇殿下从里面走出来。 他的发型和太王里的造型差不多,是长发,后面扎着马尾。 他戴着太阳镜走出来,我真的是在近距离看到他了。 他很自然地大家说:“你们好”! 我不是他的粉丝。。。他戴着太阳镜,所以看不太清楚他的眼睛。但是他的确跟电视里一模一样,皮肤好的像白玉一样。 日本粉丝都跟他打招呼,还给他拍照。她们非常有礼貌,而且守秩序,没有大声喧哗。然后离开了机场。

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