Wednesday, April 2, 2008

josei jishin 2008/04/15

source: bb's blog
original in japanese: josei jishin 2008/04/15
scanned and posted by: miemi / byjgallery
translated into english: a sweet sister / bb's blog
english to chinese: lynnzhoulily

Yonsama, WS Anime Revealed

On the afternoon of March 28, Yonsama visited the beauty salon, Jung Saem Mool. He wore jeans, a navy jacket, black glasses and his hair in a ponytail. He did not use crutches and used the stairs walking slowly.

On the same day in Japan, a portion of the WS anime version was revealed for the first time at the Tokyo International Anime Fair 2008.

Attending the press conference were BOF International President Bae Seung Woo and four others.

“The anime version will have 26 episodes. Plans are for it to be broadcast in both Japan and Korea early next year.” (KeyEast anime version producer, Lim Jung Heon)

According to a spokesman, it appears that the broadcast will first be in Korea followed by Japan.

The anime version is an epilogue based upon an original script. The story begins with Jun Sang traveling to New York in order to have eye surgery performed.

WS is a memorable project for me which has enabled me to build a closer relationship with the Japanese family. I will do my best to deliver impressions that are different from the drama. I ask for your continued support.”

Yonsama’s latest message played in which he wore a black T-shirt and white jacket.

April 3, 2004. It has already been four years since Yonsama made his first visit to Japan.

Will the WS boom repeat itself?!




KeyEast动画视觉制作人, LIM JUNG HEON说:“动画版的<冬恋>将有26集。计划明年年初在日本和韩国播映。”

据发言人称,该动画版本将会先在韩国播映,随后在日本。 动画版本是建立与电视版<冬季恋曲>的基础上的。故事的开场是俊尚去纽约眼科手术。





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