Wednesday, April 23, 2008

New Photo Album for YJ.

Suehan posted in BYJ's quilt


Keyeast made a contract with the photographer, Tae Hwan Kim who had worked on a BYJ’s photo album.

April 23, 2008

Keyeast ( CED Moon Gyu Hak), the company for Asia Media and Contents, made a contract with a famous photographer Kim Tae Hwan for photography for a year.

Kim Tae Hwan was the photographer of BYJ’s photo album ‘Image Vol. 1’ which was released in 2004, more than 200,000 copies were sold in Japan in 2004-2005, and the record of sales volume for a year was more than 20 billion won.

According to this contract, the photographer Kim Tae Hwan will take pictures of BYJ in Korea, Japan, Europe, and USA for about a year from April 2008.

The representative of the company spoke about the intent of the business plan by saying, “The pictures will be used as the intermediary to build a new image of Hallyu Star Bae Yong Joon.” [BOF]

English to Chinese by Lynn

2008年4月23日 Keyeast (
CEO Moon Gyu Hak), 最近和摄影师金太焕(Kim Taw Hwan)签订了一项摄影协议,该协议为期1年。 金太焕是裴勇俊纪念出道10年写真集(Image Vol.1)的摄影师。该写真集于2004年问世以来,在日本销售量超过20万份。据记录显示一年内的销售总额达到20亿韩元 (约美金200万元). 根据该项协议,从2008年4月起,金太焕将为裴勇俊在韩国,日本,欧洲和美国等地取景拍摄照片。 据Keyeast公司代表人称。这项工作协议的主要目的在於:“这些照片将为韩流巨星裴勇俊塑造一个全新的形像。”

I guess it is for the celebration of his 15th anniversary since his debut in 1994. Is it ?It may take one year to complete the album. Does it mean that he won't have any other projects? I was wondering......

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