Monday, April 21, 2008

Mr.Yang's message - 4/21/2008

source: BYJ Mobile Official Site

BYJ Manager’s Blog

Megane Ichiba CF shooting 21 April 2008

by: Manager Yang Geun Hwan
Japanese to English: tomato99
English to Chinese: Lynnzhoulily

Greetings, How are you?

It is fully spring now, I hear many people in Japan are burdened by hay fever,,, please take it easy.

Other day, there was CF shooting for Korea’s car navigation brand “viliv.”

And recently in Korea, there was CF shooting for “Megane Ichiba.”

The shooting was held on 1 April, I had other business and could not go to the site.

At about the time for CF shooting, I received a call from Bae Yong Joon.He says there is a big problem at the shooting site, there will be no shooting today.

I was in a lunch meeting, but I got cold sweat as I heard this….I cannot rush to him as the shooting site was one hour away in distance by car, I started to wonder what I shall do….I really felt darkness ahead of me.

Then about five minutes later, Bae Yong Joon called me again,

I was trembling when I picked up the phone…..

“It’s April fool’s Day! The shooting is going on very well. Were you surprised? hahaha~”

Bae Yong Joon completely fooled me.

oh well, it is good after all,,, the shooting completed smoothly….

It is getting warm, but please take care and do not catch cold.

大家还好吗? 春天已经来到,我听说在日本许多人最近被花粉症所困扰,请多保重。


最近在韩国他还为"Megane Ichiba"眼镜品牌拍了广告。

那则广告是在4月1日拍的。由于我有其他的事务要处理,所以没有陪勇俊一同前往拍摄。在拍摄过程中,我接到了勇俊的电话。 他告诉我拍摄场地发生了很严重的事情,因此今天无法拍摄。

当时我正在一个午餐会议上,听到了这个消息,我背后直冒冷汗。 我无法马上赶到他那里,因为从我这里就算坐车也要1个小时才能到达。 我开始着急想着应该要怎么做才好。我感到前途一片黑暗。

过了5分钟以后,勇俊又打电话给我。 我在接电话的时候手不断地发抖。。。。

“愚人节快乐! 拍摄进行得很好。你吓坏了吧?哈哈哈哈。。。。”

裴勇俊完全捉弄了我。 不管怎样,结果是好的,拍摄很顺利地完成了。

天气渐渐转暖了,但还请保重身体,不要感冒了 。

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