Tuesday, April 1, 2008

TWSSG, We’ve Got the BYJ Interview!

Got this from BB's Blog. Thank you for posting this, BB.
original in japanese: NHK staff blog 2008/03/31
reposted from: miemi / byjgallery
translated into english: a sweet sister / bb's blog
englisht to chinese: lynnzhoulily

Clip posted by Makishi on Youtube

TWSSG, We’ve Got the BYJ Interview!

To all BYJ fans, thanks for waiting! We obtained the BYJ interview! (^ ^)!

We had requested an interview from BYJ, star of TWSSG, for quite some time but the interview could not be done since he said that he wanted to concentrate on filming during the filming of the drama…( T_T)

But now in preparation for the TWSSG Pre-Broadcast Special, we again submitted our request for an interview and received an unexpected yes reply! Then the interview tape safely reached our hands \ ( ^o^) /

The filming of the interview took place in mid-March. Because of his leg injury, the filming took place at his home and the NHK staff could not travel to Seoul.

The filming was done by a camera-man from the BOF office. Using the questions sent by NHK, the interview was conducted by a staff member from the BOF office. That is why the images in the interview have the feel of a “home video” but with a very much alive Yonsama whom we haven’t seen in a while! (^ ^)! All BYJ fans should not miss this!

Thank you to everyone who assisted in the filming and to BYJ, who despite his injury, BYJ agreed to our interview request. m(__)m

The interview will be aired in the TWSSG Pre-Broadcast Special and also during the PR spots.
30-sec spots planned broadcast schedule

4/1 (Tuesday) evening 20:43:30

4/3 (Thursday)evening 16:49:30

4/4 (Friday) evening 18:58:55

4/5 (Saturday) morning 5:59:30

4/5 (Saturday) noon 12:38:30


至全体裴勇俊的影迷们,感谢大家的等待。我们获得了勇俊的访谈! (^ ^)!


这次访谈的录影是在3月中,因为勇俊有腿伤,所以访谈在他家中进行,而且我们NHK的工作人员也没能够到首尔进行亲自的访谈。 录制该访谈的是BOF的工作人员。访谈的问题一早就由我们NHK传送过去了。整个访谈也由BOF的工作人员完成。这就是为何整个访谈的画面效果给人以“家庭录音带”的感觉,但是画面上的勇俊是那么的真实,活灵活现的。我们已经好久没有见到他了。因此所有喜爱勇俊的影迷们千万别错过了!




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