Sunday, January 27, 2008

(Trans) TWSSG staff speaks about BYJ

original in japanese: KBoom March 2008

scanned & posted by: daisukibyj / byjgallery

translated into english: a sweet sister / bb's blog

english to chinese: lynnzhoulily

TWSSG, Kim Jong Hak’s Production Staff Speaks about BYJ and E Ji Ah

BYJ Doesn’t Forget Considerationtoward the Younger Staff Members

Because BYJ, in the role of Damdeok, was known by the label of top hallyu star, it was difficult for anyone to approach him in the beginning. We had also heard the rumors that he was by nature a perfectionist…

The first contact that we had with BYJ was just as the rumors said; he was very thorough in his approach to work. For each line of dialogue, if he was not satisfied with his own pronunciation, he would request a re-shoot any number of times until he was satisfied with his performance.

At first, we could not understand why he was doing that, and the truth is that we thought he was being excessive. But realizing that the nature of his requests was correct, we slowly began to understand him and believe that the star, BYJ, exists today because he has this aspect.

One day after the day’s filming had ended; the staff and BYJ had an occasion to go drinking. BYJ normally doesn’t drink and he continued to politely decline all invitations to drink with senior staff members. Due to the all-day filming in the sun, by the time that filming ended, BYJ would be physically exhausted and it would be no surprise to anyone that he would want to refrain from drinking liquor.

It was at that time that the youngest member of the lighting team bravely approached BYJ and said, “Hyong-nim (older brother) please have a drink” as he offered BYJ a drink, and BYJ who had firmly refused liquor up until then, and on top of that, he was being offered soju which he normally doesn’t drink, but he cheerfully accepted the drink. Then after that, each of the young staff members began saying, “Me too, me too”, as they each offered BYJ a drink and BYJ cheerfully accepted a cup from each staff member and drank it, and in the end, we had the opportunity to see a red faced, flushed Yonsama.

We always felt on the film site that even if it was the youngest staff member of the lowest rank that he showed concern for, we again felt that those who are top stars of today are not objects that just fall from the heavens by accident. *bb: yea, he may be a reluctant star, but he certainly ain't an accidental star. (omit part on E Ji Ah)

一开始,我们不明白他为什么要这样做,我们甚至还认为他这样做有些多余。 但当我们了解到他这样要求的本意是为整个制作好,我们慢慢地开始接受他这种做法,并且了解到裴勇俊正是靠着这样的精神才能取得今天这样辉煌的成绩。
有一天,拍摄结束以后,剧组成员和裴勇俊一起去喝酒。 通常,裴勇俊是不喝酒的,而且他也一直很有礼貌的谢绝和剧组里的前辈演员共饮。由于整整一天都在太阳下拍摄,裴勇俊应该感到很疲惫了,所以每个人对他不饮酒的这样的做法都感到理解。
正在此时,有个灯光组的最年轻的职员鼓足勇气走向裴勇俊对他说:“兄,请喝一杯吧!” 并递给勇俊一杯酒。在此之前,裴勇俊都一直谢绝别人想与他共饮的要求,而且这个年轻的职员递上的酒还是勇俊平常不喝的烧酒 。但勇俊却高兴地接受了这杯酒。之后,几乎每个年轻的职员都开始叫道:“请也同我干一杯吧。”结果,勇俊满足了每一个人的请求,喝了所有人递上的酒。终于使我们有机会看到一个脸通红的勇俊。
在片场,我们一直可以看到即使是一个职位很低的年轻的职员也能够得到勇俊的关怀。 同时我们也感受到,巨星的成就不是一天能造就的。

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