Friday, May 16, 2008

[2008/05/27] josei jishin

original in japanese: josei jishin 2008/05/27 p.181
scanned & posted by: miemi / byjgallery
translated into english: sweet sister / bb's blog
english to chinese: lynnzhoulily

Yonsama, Reservations Start at 7-11,Backstory to Development of Gosireh Bento

Last month, Yonsama went to New York. This magazine was able to obtain news of his latest activities in New York!

“In early May, he did the advertising filming for the IT firm Viliv. Rehab is also progressing well and it appears that he will be staying abroad a bit longer. It seems that he will return to Seoul once before the June 1 TWSSG event in Japan.” (business associate)

In Japan, the Yonsama produced Gosireh bento (2,500 yen including tax) will be sold nationwide at all 7-eleven stores. This bento will be sold for a limited period and 7-eleven stores will be accepting reservations until June 8. Bentos will be distributed from June 13-15.
“Yonsama, who has held the belief of, ‘wanting to share the food culture of Korea with many people,’ and for some time he has had an interest in marketing Gosireh’s menu. Around November of 2007, the project was drawn up, and after repeated trial and error, the project became a reality after spending half a year of effort on it. " (Gosireh staff member)

Of course, as general producer of the bento project, Yonsama’s ideas are reflected in all the areas such as flavor, nutritional balance, and color scheme.Yonsama’s favorite mixed rice (zakko bap) and spinach namul (sigumchi namul) are included to make a total of 16 dishes!

Please enjoy your free time in New York to the fullest and on the day when you reunite with your family, please show us your beautiful smile!


5月初的时候,他为IT 公司Viliv拍摄了广告。同时伤病休养也进行得不错。他这次待在国外的时间将会长一些。


在日本,高士礼的饭盒便当将会在全国范围内的7-11 便利店出售。每份售价为2500日元(合美金25美元)。这便当的销售期限有限。现在7-11便利店正在接受预订,预订将于6月8日截止。盒饭将会在6月13日至15日发送。


当然,作为盒饭便当项目总策划者,勇俊的理念渗透在各个方面。比如:口味,营养平衡以及食物的颜色等等。“ 勇俊最喜欢的混合谷物(zakko bap)以及菠菜namul(sigumchi namul) 也将作为原料制成16种不同的食物包括在这个便当里面了。

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